Saturday, April 01, 2006

What does it mean????

Old wives tales can tell you a lot. How to cure a wart. The best plant food. How to get a baby to sleep all night. How to ease a sore throat. There's one about fuzzy caterpillars and winter. Today is the first of April. Spring is here. Is there a tale about the numerous not-so-fuzzy caterpillars in spring and what they mean?

It's absolutely crazy here. You see them crossing the road the way the tarantula migrations look in Oklahoma. Almost everyone has worn one on their person at some point this spring. They wind up in my dog's food bowl, on my bike pedals, car windows, and in my mailbox. I have NEVER seen this many caterpillars in my life, much less in one season. For all their overwhelming presence, they don't seem to be doing much damage to my foliage (yet), so I can't really compare them to locusts.

They're like frogs in the road after a good rain. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, POP! You can't avoid them.

P.S. Also, does anyone know why frogs LIKE the road after a rain? They don't hang out there any other time...

1 comment:

Alice in Wonderbread said...

I don't know why spring peepers decide to cross the road after a rain. I always wondered that myself. Nothing worse than having no where to go but over 1000s of innocent cute little froggies when you're on a side road at migration time. Poor little buggers.