Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dyslexic Ears

I don't always hear things the way they're meant to be heard.... One of the hymns during communion at church last Sunday was "Soon and Very Soon".

What I heard:

Soup and Bears in Suits


Anonymous said...

I do that all the time! There's a No Doubt song and the line in the song is "no matter, matter who calls: and I heard "I'm madder than glucose." (Could it be because I was 60% deaf in one ear as a child and was tubed 4 times or that I'm a moron?)

Anonymous said...

Have you heard the one about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac? He stays awake all night wondering whether or not there is a dog :)

I know, cheesy, but your post reminded me of the joke, and I so rarely get to tell them.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like part of any random conversation I have with my mother. ouch!

Anonymous said...

I know it's not relevant, but your version is much more entertaining:)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha....I had a similar thing with my girlfriend...I had called her to say happy 50th birthday etc..and I said how you feeling with the big 50? ...What she said was ....
well at least I am still alive and kickin'.......

what I thought I heard her say was....

well at least I can still eat chicken ...

omg ..its been 2 years and we still burst into laughter every time we rememeber it ...hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

well we still have a lot in commom sister, I am frequently accused of having dyslexic hearing.

Is it an age thing? don't think so as the women I work with are older than me. It has to be the tides, yeah that is it!!!!


Alice in Wonderbread said...

related church misread-

I grew up Catholic. When we said the lord's prayer and got to this part:

Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done.
on earth as it is in heavan.

I thought forever that "Thy will be done" meant that when God's kingdom came, I would be 'done'- aka, finished, destroyed, disintegrated. I thought 'thy' referred to me/the congregation, and 'will' was a verb portion of the verb phrase 'will be done'.

Obviously I never got any comfort out of the Lord's prayer and was too terrified to ask anyone if my interpretation was accurate- I figured the dark bleeding crucifix only reinforced the fact we'd all be 'done'. EE. Oops.