Friday, December 08, 2006

I've got a hat... Do you have a head?

"Not yet!" she said.

That was the very odd beginning to a work conversation. Last week, our Ready-to-Learn coordinator asked me to create a spot for the "Santa Paws Walk" this weekend. One of the big features was that Clifford the Big Red Dog would be there. We're actually having some very cold weather here (low of 19 tonight... for Florida, that's news!). So I asked if Clifford had a hat to wear - perhaps a Santa hat? Apparently that thought had never occurred to anyone, so I made Clifford a hat. Clifford gets shipped here from somewhere else, and I'd been given the circumference of Clifford's head, but I wanted to fit the head before finishing. But Clifford's head hadn't arrived yet.

It finally got here, and I tried the hat on. Good thing I cut it generously because the thing only just fit. I added some elastic to put under the ears so the hat wouldn't blow or be pulled off by enthusiastic children. If you've ever spent time in one of these costumes, you know that you get poked and pulled almost constantly by kids when wearing one.

I think it turned out pretty well!

IMG_1398 IMG_1397 No, that's not me wearing the head...

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