Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another cross-over post

This is NOT a competition

I went to my Thursday KenPo class today. I wasn't feeling in top form (chugging Mylanta before class is never a good sign - darned spagetti for lunch), and this was the final before the test look. The warm up was slightly different from our usual - 60 pushups, 50 crunches, 30 obliques each side, 20 extension crunches, 20 squat-thrusts (when I do deep squats), and 100 jumping jacks. When it was time for the water break, I went into the bathroom and tried not to throw up. A couple of sips of water and back in I went (and no, I didn't throw up... just really, really felt like it).

After some rounds of blocking, kicking and punching, we split up to practice our kenpos, combinations, and self-defenses. I was working with Lauren again, and Dakota joined us. We went through everything several times, with instructors checking in to watch or demonstrate or submit to having whatever it was done to them. I felt off-balance and slightly dizzy, which didn't help me much.When class was lined up at the end, they said they wanted to see my stuff again on Saturday and would decide about the testing then.

But you know what? This is not a competition. I was already feeling a little not-ready for the test - not because I don't know the material, but because my physical stamina isn't up to snuff yet. The test is VERY physically demanding, and honestly, if I take the Saturday class before the test, I'm not going to make it through the test itself. So I think I will not test this Saturday.

There will be another test in July, which is not that far away (not the usual 2-3 months gap), and I will spend this time getting myself as physically ready for this as I am able. Yes, keep practicing the material... but walk/run, lift weights and do more bag workouts.

And when the July test rolls around, I will feel strong and competent and capable. I'm better than I was, but not where I would like to be.


Me said...

Thank god. Because your first couple of paragraphs scared me.
I was like - sayre - you are going to kill yourself!

Anonymous said...

Strong ! Confident ! Capable ! Yes, you are... This post motivates me to start my workout routine again...but first, I think I'll go have some spaghetti...

Stepping Over the Junk said...

I admire that you are getting out for class. I can't even get out to take a walk unless my girls are with their dad. And even then, all I want to do is organize my cupboards or watch Hidden Palms. Heh.

Anonymous said...

You are learning well my grasshopper...martial arts is not about the belts it is about the journey.......And everything that you learn as a white belt you will still be doing when you become a black belt..only with more strength and technical ability...You are wise to know your abilities and to know that when you get your next belt does not really matter is that you are learning at your own pace.!! keep up the fabulous work!! you are a great inspiration.

Sayre said...

Swampy, STEP AWAY FROM THE SPAGETTI! Well, if you have reflux issues like I do, you might want to...

Me - I'm doing what I can to make this a safe and healthy endeavor - which includes recognizing when I overdo it. I'm one of those people who tend to go full tilt and it's hard learning when to pull it back a bit.

Stepping - take your girls walking with you! Z-boy goes with me. he does wind up lagging behind, but he comes, even when his daddy is home he wants to come. I find this mighty encouraging.

Quinn - thank you, my friend. Darling Man is a purple belt, Z is orange. I'm still yellow. I think the instructors feel a little strange that I'm so far behind my guys, but heck - that's how it worked out. I'm proud of them - and of myself for doing it my way. I will test when I feel more ready - like I've earned the belt!

Janet said...

I think what you are doing is awesome. Only thing you need to remember is to not be so tough on yourself. Like you said, there's always July. Give yourself credit and time to keep trying!

Knock knock - it's cancer! said...

I am so glad that you are doing so good. I agree with Janet, don't be too hard on yourself. It will come.

By the way, I did a mini write up on you on my blog, i nominated you for the thinking blogger award.

Sayre said...

Hi, Janet - thanks for the words of encouragement... I'm looking forward to July!

Hey, Mermaid - I'll have to hop over and see you... thanks!