Thursday, June 15, 2006

Almost there....

Okay... my internet is working and my email is working, but I can't get into work yet. Two steps forward and one step back...

My other concession to this century is that I finally broke down and got a cell phone. One for me, one for my husband. With the move and the no-phone situation at the old house, we decided it was time. I haven't given my number to anyone but my husband, my mother and one friend so hopefully I won't have to be "in touch" all the time.

Ironically, Tuesday's paper featured an article by Blythe Newsome, who writes a parenting column for the Tallahassee Democrat, recounting her cell phone buying experience. I'm with Blythe!!!! Give me a phone with a green button for go, a red button for stop, and the numbers 0-9 on it. Make it big enough for me to see it (and the numbers). I don't need texting. I don't need to take pictures (I have a camera for that!). I never three-way call now - why would I need to do it with my cell? Just make it as telephon-y a phone as you can and I'll be happy.

I have noticed lots of people driving around with cell phones or what I call "vulcan ears". Sitting at a traffic light, EVERY person at the intersection was on the phone!!! It made me wonder if this was the way the Borg from Star Trek began... you know, the collective consciousness and communication? For now, we still have all our body parts as flesh and blood, but how long before transmitters and receivers are implanted into our bodies, eliminating the need to carry around a separate communication device? I hear you can already have an identification chip put into your child the way you can your dog. Unidentified body? Let's run the scanner over it and see what the barcode is!

Sorry for the rant. Some days I feel the intrusion of technology way too much. Is it possible my last life involved butter churns and horse carriages????


BlondeBlogger said...

I'm getting a new cell phone, too! My old one is ancient and ugly.

My new one is going to have picture taking and video ability...I'm so psyched!

The best part of all is it comes free with our new cell phone plan...yay!

Sayre said...

Eesh... I have to take back the part of this blog that says my email is working. I can see the old stuff but no new stuff comes in. The internet part is slow, slow, slow... then it freezes and takes forever to unlock.

I do like my cell phone though. Congratulations, Dawn, on your new toy - I just need to not have too many buttons...