No, I am not under arrest, although possibly I should be for cruel and unusual punishment of a child. Tonight, I told my son it was time for another butt picture. He gleefully ran and got the camera and took lots of close-ups of the seam in the back. No! No! You have to see the WHOLE BUTT! After a few more abortive tries, he finally took this. It's a bit wide (no, the picture, smart ass) and for some reason the edited version of this wouldn't transfer. But you can sort of see - a little more material, a little less butt. These are the same shorts worn in my first picture.
Because I'm not sure what size I started out as (none of my clothes actually have numbers - just X's and L's), it's a little hard to tell where I am on this journey - except for this one thing. My underwear is getting too big. I've gone through this phenomena before and while I haven't hit the underwear-falling-down-inside-my-pants point yet, I can tell it's coming. All my "Just-My-Size" briefs are going to have to be tossed soon in favor of a smaller version.
My brother has started his own blog, and he's working on getting his own self back in shape after an accident left him unable to workout for several months. He said that OLTA sounds interesting and he'd love to be an honorary member, but that he really doesn't have a butt (guys!), but he does have some belly. Perhaps we should, at the end of this challenge, start a new one called OLTB (lose that belly), OLTG (lose that gut), or OFTA (find those abs). Of course, I could continue Lose that Ass as I have plenty of ass still to lose...
Thoughts, anyone? If we're losing our guts, we might get more guys to join in too (looking at you, Jeff!).
This afternoon, Z-boy and I were talking about Halloween and what he wanted to be. He has decided to be Jango Fett from Star Wars.
I told him that he would have to be a VERY good boy to earn that costume (it's rather expensive). He would have to do his homework every day without complaint - no matter WHAT that homework was. He would have to pick up his room on a regular basis and be a pleasant child in general (which usually isn't much of a stretch for him). I have been nearly "Yes, Ma'am!"-ed to death, but it's pretty cute.
He told me that my husband didn't like me being Santa (apparently I look a little too much like my dad for him to wrap his head around) and would prefer that I be something female for Halloween. Z-boy suggested Padme Amidala.
Nice idea, but when I checked the sizes, realized I still wouldn't fit into any of theirs. I could buy the head piece and try to make some kind of costume myself. Or as Z-boy mentioned helpfully, I could go as pregnant Padme.
Thanks, honey.
you gotta love their own personal honesty; I didn't say you had to like it.
hey sayre, oh man I love the photo,you should have said you were doing vertical push-ups... we would have believed that.
Keep up the good work and thanks for all the encouraging comments, back at ya!!!
C'mon! it's a red bathrobe, trim it in black felt/fur, throw some of those closet touch lites on the bottom with a wire to keep it round, and a cardboard overpiece to hang in the front-- this is totally do-able...
my name is jen and I'm a costume-holic.
Sorry, got a little distracted by the visions of Amidala--This thing has been more of an operation lose that gut all along for me--sadly, my ass is flat. Wide, but flat.
Keep it up, Sayre! Baggy drawers are just the beginning! Work it! Work It!
I adore this pic of you! You look so,, naughty? In trouble? Hm, I'm just going to go with naughty.
Keep it up baby!
Thinking of your brother - I'm loosely part of a group known as the Knights of the Round Bottoms, although the originators have met their target weights and the whole thing was never properly developed. However, your brother would certainly benefit from visiting Sir Squishy if he's looking for a starting point
Good job sayre!
Go eat more forgien foods and gain weight for pete's sake! What? You act like you want me to lose or something!!!!
That is all we need is gut pictures. If they are close-ups, people who might be passing on my blog may think (who's pregnant?).
LMAO!!! Sayre, I like your boy. Pregnant Amidala. Heh.
Only if I get to go as a lima bean - all I need to do is put on a green leotard and stop sucking in my gut. The likeness is incredible, especially from the side-view.
(Also? LMAO! I just got to plug "OYVEY" in as my word verification!!! ROFL!!!)
Thats a great form of safe bribery to get the costume he wants. I wish more parents would connect hw to fun things like that. It would make my job so much easier:)
Oy Vey!!! That's hysterical!
I gotta tell you, the carrot method of getting Z-boy to do homework is working like a charm... he came home from school today and got right on it. It was all done before I got home. All I can say is - amazing!
Nikki - remember that week when I supposedly lost 12 lbs? Like that was real (darn scales), but I ate a lot of sushi that week. Are you sure you want me to go foreign? I might just win this thing hands down!
Jen - I love your idea of how to fabricate a Padme costume! I might just see if I can do that.
Jeff - our guts must be clothed! I don't mind "showing off my shape" but I will not torture the world with my stretch marks!
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