I made him bring his homework because I knew it would be a long wait. He got all his math and spelling done while we sat there. The clock moved from 7:30 after-news sitcoms to the nearly nine closing credits of Big Brother 7 (a totally pointless show as far as I could see) on the TV in the waiting room before they called us.
We were esconced in a tiny room and a weary-looking doctor came in and talked to Z-boy. Looked in his ears, listened to his heart, took his temperature (normal!), then tried to look in his mouth. The tongue depressor was useless, so finally with some minor gymnastics and lots of instrument angling, the doctor finally saw his red throat. Apparently there's lots of this whatever-it-is going around. The college students are back, the kids are back in school and suddenly there's this minor but annoying bug going around and the whole city's got it (including me, apparently). Some kind of virus that opportunistic bacterial infections ride on the coat-tails of.
It was getting to be quite late at this point. Z-boy laid down (he brought Fuzzy with him) while we waited for the doctor to come back with his prescription.
It was 9:30 by the time we got out. I dropped his prescription off at the 24-hour Walgreens along with my Z-Pac that I hadn't filled yet, and we went for frozen yogurt. That felt good! I called the house and left a message for my husband, who would probably beat us home and freak out when the car wasn't there. At 10:30, we went back, got our drugs and went home.
I was right. Hubby was freaked when he drove up, and relieved when he got my message. He was all wound up, and he kept Z-boy up a bit longer asking him questions and we finally all went to bed at 11:30. This is VERY late for us. I think Z-boy will stay home today whether he likes it or not. What's at stake? A gold coin for perfect attendance!
of course keep that boy home! Some jammies and blankies and cartoons will cure him.
I am a pretty strict parent and my boys know it, if they have a cough or sniffles it's off to school for you but if they are truly sick or healing from something then absolutely it's stay home, rest, etc.
I have been lucky in that they grasp this concept and have not taken advantage of it.
Same is true for really bad weather, my kids walk to school and sometimes in the winter the buses get cancelled and my boys would continue to walk to school. Usually though there is no one at school and then it is more of a wasted day for them. So I give them the option. they can go or they can stay..surprisingly sometimes they actually do go ! They call up their pals see if anyone else is going and then just meet them there.
hope he feels better soon! z-boy is too cute! those freckles!
Hope he's feeling bettersoon...
Cute shots of a sick boy...Is he cuddling a teddy bear??? Too sweet fo rwords...
Yo, Sister Christian...
Just thought I'd say hi. I've been a ghost for the most part but I've been reading...
I've entered the blog spotlight too. Plug it if you deem it worthy.
Oh how I wish I lived in Florida so I could babysit Z-man (I know you call him boy but I love how Z-man sounds. Who's Z-man!).
A perfect attendence record. You tell him he has other bigger goals to attain like astronaut, pilot, musician, heart-breaker. :)
Get well soon!
Hey, Alice - Z-man would love that! I figured Z-boy would work until he's about 13 or 14. When puberty hits, he'll become Z-teen or Z-manchild.
He wants to know when you can come visit! So you can really get to know him.
He's feeling much better now. We had a major throw up this morning, but things have improved dramatically since. Back to school tomorrow!
Oh well you tell Z-manboy his auntie thinks he's DA BOMB. I mean, really, if I was his age, and I saw him wearing a red NASA shirt that read, "It's not rocket science. (oh wait a minute, it is!)" I would swoon swoon swoon. He has a future so bright, he'd better get a pair of sunglasses!
And for whatever reason if I'm in FLA ever, I'm heading to your town to give him a giant hug.
You too.
Excuse me. I'm having hot cocoa and I feel pretty lovey.
And if I become a pilot, and buy my own plane, I may be in your neck of the woods sooner than later. I mean, it's the longest point to point continental USA distance!
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