Thursday, October 05, 2006

Oh, my aching....

...deltoids? Pectorals? Ass? All of the above? Quinn laughingly said I was too sore to post yesterday. Yes and no. I was sore, but not in the "usual" spots. My lower half was actually in pretty good shape after all that jumping around. I think walking the Z-boy to school helped a lot there. But my upper body - woe is me! I believe it was the pushups that did me in.

No, I didn't post yesterday because I was busy trying to hem up ghi legs and arms for Z-boy. I dug out my sewing machine but the power cord and foot pedal were apparently packed in a different box because I couldn't find them ANYWHERE! Looked and looked, then finally gave up and started sewing by hand. At 12:30AM, I had one sleeve done. This was not going to work. So I collapsed into bed and slept hard. Got up at 6:30 and dragged Z to Walgreens looking for one of those little portable hand hemmers. Didn't find that, but did find a tiny sewing machine called Dressmaker II. Regularly $40, now just $29. Only when I got it to the checkout, it was REALLY $16! Such a deal! After I picked Z-boy up at the bus stop this afternoon, I finished hemming up his uniform. Whew!

Today was to be my second class. I took Z to his, and my husband showed up about a half hour before our class was to start - so I could leave. See, we'd signed up for a reading workshop that the school was offering for 2nd grade parents. Before my husband decided to take up Karate too, he was going to attend the workshop. Now, Thursday would be HIS first day of class and I would go to the workshop. Actually, I suppose it works out well. I have an extra couple of days to get my arms back and get my ghi hemmed. I can take a makeup class on Saturday, but hubby has to work on Saturday, so it all evens out.

I've been around to the OLTA participant's sites last night, and except for Factor 10, who hasn't done her final report, it looks like Quinn's the big winner! Look for my Ode to Quinn on Monday! Unless Factor 10 has pulled a major coup. I guess I'd better go look before I start writing....


Anonymous said...

HI sayre...

Poor you for being so sore...but that will subside with each next class you do. I laughed at the story about hemming your Gi ( p.s. note Gi haha)..anyways..I have my two boys in karate now been 7 years between them we have had 2 beginner white gis,2 competition gis,2 top ten sport karate gis, 2 canadain national karate team gis, then we changed schools so now we had 1 black gi, 1 competition gi... for a total so far of 10 gis ...and I have had to hem each and every single one BY HAND!!! OUCH ...damn needles..!!!

NOw as for all this lose that ass challenge ...thanks so much for the wonderful words...I think we should all be the winners...I am not one for the spotlight LOL..would rather share it with everyone.

Alice in Wonderbread said...

Be sure and rest at least one day in between when you're doing weight bearing exercise!

And I'm starting very very light on mine- only one set, 10 reps of each freeweight/machine exercise. And I still feel like I got hit by a mack truck in the morning. Yeesh. Miles to go before I sleep...or rather, before I really feel 'athletic' again.