Monday, May 21, 2007

Missing my baby

A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated my son's eighth birthday. He's growing tall so quickly that he'll be taller than I am in a couple of years. He's a big strong boy, for which I am very grateful.

But a part of him is still my little baby boy. He's had swimmer's ear since last Wednesday, and has required a lot of extra loving and snuggling to feel better.

This morning, as I sat at my computer, my big boy came in and gave me a hug. I turned into it and he slid himself onto my lap facing me with his arms around my neck. It was almost like holding my baby again.

I rocked forward and back with his head on my shoulder and told him how much I like him now, and to not feel bad when I miss my baby. He used to get upset when we talked about how cute he was because he thought maybe we liked him better when he was littler. And I told him how much I missed holding him and rocking him. That I remembered the moment he became too big to rock - he was so long at age 4 that he just didn't fit in my lap in a rocker anymore. So we quit trying. We could snuggle on the couch but the rocking chair was out. And I have missed that so much.

I just didn't realize it until this morning when I found my baby in my arms again. I love you, Z-boy. When you're little. When you're big. No matter how old you get, you will always be my baby.


Jennfactor 10 said...

Aw, Sayre, that was areal live version of Love You Forever, without the creepy mom-as-stalker element--it made me misty just like the book!

Anonymous said...

oh boy do I know that feeling...
You see the most recent photos of my youngest on my blog...well this weekend while that guy was trying to kick the livin stuffin out of my boy...I was sitting there cheering and also saying ...( yes out loud) don't you hurt my baby ..oh my baby..etc..they are always my babies)

BlondeBlogger said...

I was going to say exactly what Factor said! I LOVE that story and it was so sweet to read a real life version of it here!

Alice in Wonderbread said...

You're the best mommy. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to get a bit teary eyed.