I was watering some plants and put my head through a spiderweb. Back when I used to go biking in the woods, this was a common occurrance, so I didn't really thing much of it. Until I took a shower the next morning. When I was done, I looked down and saw this in the bottom of the tub:
So that's what was tickling my neck all night. He'd gotten stuck in my hair, apparently.
Then I went downstairs and was talking to my mother on the phone when I happened to glance up at my wall and saw this:
Two in one day. But still nothing like the spiders we had at the other house! I put a glass over the big spider and cardboard under and took him outside.
We have spiders but they don't bother me too much. (I like the fact that they have a wonderful appetite for bugs!)
I've never thought about taking pictures of spiders though. That second spider is pretty mean looking! Looks like he's missing a couple of legs!
I think I just shit a brick.
He is missing a couple of legs! And I love that they eat bugs too. I figure what with the rats and their fleas at the other house, the spiders must have been in arachnid-heaven.
I've always lived rather peacefully with spiders. We had lots of black widows in Wakulla - one of which bit my DIL, requiring a trip to the hospital, but it had somehow fallen into her pants and panicked. I don't blame the spider....
Could this be why all those quizzes to find your inner superhero say I'm Spiderman???
I wish my wife was as calm about them as you. Some fears are just irrational, but we all have them, I guess.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAACH!!! I am terrified of spiders if they are on me. If they are on the wall, I can deal with it. If they are in my hair or on me, aaaah!!!!!!!!!!ggggg.
Omigod - are you kidding me? In your house?
I'm a huge arachnophobe (and wuss) - just the sight of these on your website is making me want to call 911.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I could have lived without seeing this..and knowing it was in the house..ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Ewwww...they say there are spiders within 3 feet of us, at all times. Yuck.
By the way Sayre, I'll be changing my blog to 'private'. I would really like you to be able to still access it, if you want.
Should you want that, I can add your email address to my 'approved' readers list.
If not, take care, friend.
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