Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Blast from the Past, revisited

Remember a couple of weeks ago I remade my acquaintence with a neighbor who also happened to be a high school-age chum? And that I wished I'd borrowed the picture she showed me that night?

Well, Z-boy and I went to visit again and she had the picture out and ready to go (she read the blog), so without further ado... the original picture!


And with my eyes being in the kind of shape they are, it wasn't until I got the picture home and scanned (and blown up) that I was able to recognize almost everyone. The girl on the end? I'm really not sure. I think BB might know but we were both without appropriate eye wear to correctly identify her. But obviously not a long-term member of this particular group.

Day at the Beach

I'm going to be real embarassed if that does NOT turn out to be my brother...


Anonymous said...

Actually, I am the dude you called "Matt". The girl with the question mark is Amanda Lambert, Tisha Williams's little sister. "Guy" is actually Opie Filar. "BB's Brother" is David Sheridan. The guy you thought was me? No clue...


Sayre said...

Okay - I can see Guy is Opie (damn, I should have known better there!!!) but are you sure about BB's brother? I actually took her word for some of the identifications and now that I look closely, I think it could go either way. And I DO think that guy identified as you IS you.

I must need stronger glasses!!!

Anonymous said...

Nope. Positive "Matt" is me. I was chasing after Amanda that day, and I have NEVER IN MY LIFE had curly hair. I also remember specifically that David Sheridan forun a "package" that had drifted up on shore. He put it in the trunk of his car. All of this was hidden from me, as I was a "holy roller" at the time (note the cross around the neck). They told me it was cat litter in the trunk. Plus, look at the size of "BB's Brother" next to "Preacher Man". BB's brother is still not that big. It was probably a friend of David Sheridan, or possibly Jon Richardson.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and one more thing... I would not have been caught dead in that particular Camp Weed shirt! It was a camper shirt... I was a counselor!

Physically, the guy sort of resembles Matt Fischer, but Matt didn't have curly hair, either.

Anonymous said...

I agree with John--I think the fellow you identified as John is actually Matt Fischer. His eyes are too close together to be John, and his face is the right shape for Matt. Also, his hair looks reddish, and has a slight curl (Think of Nancy's hair)
The one on the end doesn't look like BB's brother to me. Look for the squinty eye. You could take this to your buddy at the station with photo shop. You might be surprised at how much he can to to make the photo clearer.

Anonymous said...

Though all seems to have discussed already I am applying my two cents.
John is in the back.

Okay now here's a question.....
Who took the picture?


Sayre said...

Mom - we ALL had squinty eyes! It was a day at the beach and you know how that sand bounces light around...

I do agree, "BB's Brother" is probably David Sheridan. I will have to dig out my yearbook to be sure though. I KNOW the person in the Camp Weed shirt is NOT Jon Richardson though. Jon had towhead blonde hair right up into his late twenties (the last time I saw him and spent a very, um, interesting evening with him).

My guess is that Sylvia took the picture as she and Preacher Man were hanging together at that point...

Anonymous said...

Recognize, of course, that this picture was taken 29 years ago!


Anonymous said...

Neither Matt F. nor John M. is in the picture. The girl on the end is Amanda L. She goes by some other names now (changed first and last). David F. (Opie) is still in town. He helped with my sister's wedding. By the way, you can't see them, but I vaguely remember having skinny thighs like that. Where did the 29 years go?


Anonymous said...

Actually, thinking...
Maybe the guy was just a friend of David S.'s or Preacher Man's. I know PM used to bring around the odd stray dog now and again. The Camp Weed shirt may have belonged to Sayre.

Wait!!!!! Is that Richard Dozier?

Are you still in touch with Amanda, BB? I'd love to know what she is up to... 29 years... jeez...


Sayre said...

Well, I had a shirt like that, but if that one was mine, I don't think Richard would be wearing it! That guy is in a lot of shadow compared to everyone else - he may be the "Unknown Soldier" of this picture... The only person I can think of who had curly hair like that is Jim S, but the face isn't as pretty as his was (can you say Greek God?). Richard had thick hair, but I don't remember it as being at all curly.

And John? Sorry I mistook you - it's been a long time since I saw you with hair that was longer than half an inch. Us old folks forget sometimes!

29 years. Holy cow??? Where did our thighs go, BB? Oh, wait - they didn't go anywhere, they just grew...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, definitely not Jim S.

It's a mystery. Have you asked Preacher Man?


Sayre said...

I'm not in touch with Preacher Man - I think he's in Jax but I don't know who is in touch anymore.

Anonymous said...

According to the internet, he is in Coral Gables.

OhTheJoys said...

Is it me or does Z Boy look a bit like Brother John?

Anonymous said...

Except that Brother John is not Brother John. Matt is Brother John. No clue who the curly haired guy in the Camp Weed shirt is...

The Real Brother John