We have had no measurable rain since February 1st, which is VERY unusual for this part of the country. Watering restrictions are voluntary at this point, but could become mandatory soon. The wildfires around the state are growing together and there's one not too far away from my town, close to where I used to live.
So it was with mixed feelings that we greeted hurricane season, which began Friday. We are so dry that our only hope of catching up is a tropical system. Preferrably a tropical storm, a slow moving one, rather than a hurricane. Rain. Not too much too fast where it will just run off and not do any good, but a nice soaker would be nice.
In a way, Mother Nature heard and on the evening of the first day, we had TS Barry swirling around in the Gulf. He didn't get very strong, and he crossed the state too low for us to get much out of him, but Saturday morning I did awaken to raindrops on the roof.
It didn't last long, but we reveled in the heaven-sent dampness. Z-boy and I went out on the back deck and looked at wet. It wasn't enough for him, though. He had to FEEL it!
Unfortunately, Barry didn't stick around long. He headed north after giving us a quick nod and we're back to our regularly scheduled program of dry, dry, dry. Until the next storm looks our way!
I couldn't believe how droopy all the plants and trees looked in good 'ol FLA.
wow - i love the banana plant
When it rains too much, we tend to complain. When it doesn't rain enough, we tend to complain. It's wonderful when we have days where we can cut Mother Nature some slack!:)
I remember those days in West Texas. When the droughts would hit we'd all go outside and stand in any rain that headed our way.
It poured all damn weekend long in MI. Rain, thunder, rain, hail, hail....rain. Oh and the power went out as we were at our local rec. Did I mention we were in the pool?
Your pictures make me miss Florida so much!! I gotta get back down to the old folks at home!
Living in Scotland I cannot even begin to imagine what it's like to want the rain
It hadn't rained here in Indiana much either. We had a dusting (if you can have that in rain) the other day, but everyday before and after has been dry. The forecast calls for rain everyday and it always is wrong.
Barry has come our way. Thanks a lot! No, really. We needed the rain in SC too. My boys love to JUMP in puddles. They are very much wanting to go out and play after every rainfall. Boys.
I LOVE that picture of him with the broom. Blow that up and frame it on your wall! The expression on his face is priceless!
Glad that you guys got a little bit.
Will and I went for a hike yesterday with the dogs to a waterfall that usually flows all year. It's early June and it's dry. Not good, not good. We barely received any rain this year. The whole state is probably going to catch on fire on July 4th.
Those are great pics... I love a good rain, especially in the middle of a dry summer. The smell is great in the air.
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