Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Man Feet

Today, I took my boy shopping for shoes. He is growing so fast and the part of him growing the fastest is his feet. Our weight loss efforts will keep his belly from expanding, but not his feet. They are nearly the same size as mine now. We can wear the same socks, and he can wear my mother's shoes (tennis shoes, people!!!). Once I bought him shoes that he grew out of in TWO WEEKS! He's hungry all the time, growing all the time. He's not even a teenager yet. My pension may be used to buy him clothes...

I also needed shoes. I've been living in sandals for a couple of months now because my brand new sneakers are in a box... somewhere. In the house. Or the garage. Somewhere. And my feet need some shoes. I did the bulk of the moving in my sandals, which offer no support whatsoever. With all the pounding up and down stairs with heavy boxes in my arms, my feet took a serious beating. I think I've pulled or torn a ligament/tendon/muscle in my left foot, leading to my little toe. It hurts.

So me and my sandaled feet took the boy and beat a path to the Rack Room, which has lots and lots of shoes and a buy one, get one half off sale. Z-boy got two pairs of shoes - one sensible and one... interesting. Two sizes bigger than the last round of shoes.

I also got two pairs. Some New Balance cross-trainers, which are the only ones I've found to be comfortable. Size 9 Wide. The boy did this to me. When I was pregnant, my feet spread out like I was going to be a mother duck. They're kind of shaped that way too, which is why finding comfortable shoes is difficult in the first place. I pick up dainty shoes and sigh longlingly, but once they get up to my size they are really no longer attractive. The proportions are all out of whack when you turn an absolutely gorgeous pair of 6's into an unwieldy 9. I did find another pair of sneakers that I liked, but they didn't have them in my size.

Bummed, but I kept looking, as I was going to take advantage of this sale by buying four pairs of shoes!!! The salesman we'd been working with on and off during this little adventure went off to see if there were possibly any in my size in a back room, but came back shaking his head. Then a lightbulb literally went off over his head. He disappeared for a minute and came back with a shoe very similar to the one I'd asked for. I tried them on and OH! Soooo comfortable. I'll take them, I chortled and asked him wherever did he find them?

Very sheepishly, he confessed that his wife's feet were much like mine. Big. Wide. Duck-shaped. She bought her shoes in the men's department. Where he got my shoes.

It's official. I have man-feet.


Mama C said...

You mean it get's worse? We have to buy the boys (both of them) new shoes pretty much every season. They either wear them out or outgrow them. Luckily, they like the variety at WalMart. I am dreading the days when they will want name brands.

Don't worry about your man feet. At least yours are sturdy. I bet they wouldn't even feel a 2-year-old stomping on them!

Noelle said...

I'm laughing so hard right now, with, not at you. Well, maybe you're not laughing, in which case, I'm sympathetic to your plight. As I've grown older, I've realized that it's not always gracefully. Yikes. Man-feet. When I was a kid I was so small (& straight, no curves) all my pants came from the boys section. Now there are curves, too many, and I long for the boy-pant days...

BlondeBlogger said...

LOL!!! At least you don't have to buy man THAT would be bad!

Anonymous said...

I feel ya. I have honkin size 10's, but I have managed to find some cute shoes. I have to buy Aaron new shoes every 4-5 months. His feet grow like weeds. Unfortunately for me, the only company that sells double wides is Stride Rite. I'm so broke after leaving that store.

Knock knock - it's cancer! said...
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Sayre said...

OH, don't worry Noelle - I'm laughing. I guess I'm at an age that I have to have a sense of humor about all the weird stuff my body does, the odd shapes it's taken on, the altered abilities... Sometimes I'm amazed the thing even works, and it's quirks can be VERY amusing.

My feet take me everywhere. I don't take them for granted. They were hurt in an accident several years ago and it took two years to even be able to walk well on them, but they work now and they never stop. They may be shaped funnily, but I appreciate them everyday.

And for those of you with small boys - yes. It does get worse. The older they get, the faster they grow.

Anonymous said...

It could be MUCH worse. I had a cook at my frat that wore men's underwear. There wasn't anything better than coming down to breakfast with Anita's Fruit-of-the-Looms" staring up at me when she bent over to get a pan.

Janet said...

At least your feet don't keep growing like your ears. Ever check out an old man's ears. In some cases, it's insane!

Moving on, 5 questions for you:

1. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
2. What is the best compliment you ever received?
3. Why can we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?
4. What did you want to be when you grew up?
5. Pretend this was your very own last supper. What would the meal consist of?

Anonymous said...

My feet did the same thing. I was a 7. Now I'm a 9. My ass did the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you won a THINKING BLOG AWARD! Check out my blog for details.