Fun Monday for June 25
Plato said, "I can learn more about a person from an hour of play than in a year of conversation."
Someone else said, "I can learn a lot about a person by just looking at their bookshelves and garage."
So, Fun Monday's challenge for June 25 is to post pictures of your bookshelves or stacks of books. Hopefully, we will be able to read some of the titles. If you want, while you're at it, post pictures of ANY shelves...shelves with toys, dishes, collections, Aunt Gertrude's ashes in an urn, etc. Also, post pictures of your garage, carport, or places where you store 'stuff.' (No fair cleaning first, but if you must, maybe this will be the motivation to do so.)
Keep in mind - I've just moved. I've barely begun to unpack and I still need to BUY shelves! So for now, my main shelf is the top of my piano, boxes in the corner, the diningroom table. We have a lovely china cabinet courtesy of my inlaws, but instead of fine china, it's full of Lego figures. Go figure.
I do have this tiny three shelf unit where we keep our massive number of video games and this faux GI Joe from Family Dollar. He looks a little embarassed to be on display without his combat boots. Ironically, he's sitting next to a shoe box that contains one headband (????).
My other "shelf" is my garage. This is where we off-loaded the truck. You'll be quite impressed to see that there are THREE EMPTY plastic tubs that I have actually managed to unpack. Some of this stuff never even got unpacked at the old house, including one box I'm scared to open. It's labeled "stuff from under the bed - monsters included".
But here's my real reason for wanting shelves. These guys came to live with us when my in-laws moved into their little apartment (just like the diningroom set came to live here). So not only is MY stuff in the garage, but a lot of THEIR stuff is too. They're very kitch-y and kind of hideous, but at the same time rather cool and endearing. My FIL was a liquor salesman and these are actually liquor decanters!!! Empty (I checked). I think these are all that were left, and my husband was slightly embarassed when he pulled them out of the bag, but I really like them. Don't worry, honey... they're not garage sale fodder.
I realize that books (along with readable titles) are part of this, but for now, my books are still in boxes in the garage. Buried under other boxes so that I can't even get to them to open them and show you. But believe me, my move to this house will not be complete until I have shelves and my books are living on them. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Jean Auel, Sharon McCrumb, JA Jance, JK Rowling, and many, many more are waiting patiently for me to get my act in gear. They may be as anxious to get out of their boxes as I am to have them back out in the open where I can touch them and read them and surround myself with them. I love books.
So there you are - my Fun Monday! And it WAS fun! I think I might do this again sometime!
Just think of all the weird looks you'd get if you drank your liquor straight from those bottles!
(Yay! You're doing Fun Mondays!)
At least you've an excuse for your clutter, I've lived in my house for 13 years so have no excuse!
Beccy - check back with me in 13 years. We'll see how much progress I've made...
Nikki - it would be weird, because you have to take off their heads to get to the booze (or the hat on one of them...) It would look like I was sucking out their brains.
I'm ashamed to admit that recently I was clearing out one of my cellar rooms and opened up boxes that had never been unpacked from when we moved in ...wait for it 1986- so you have nothing to worry about!!!
I LOVE looking at other people's stuff!
You had me in giggles all the way!!!! what a great fun monday post. The liquor decanters are to die for.
Oooh, now I really like the idea of drinking straight out of their heads! :)
Um..we have boxes in the garage that haven't been opened in ten years. Yet, I can't seem to just get rid of them unopened...there might be something I need in there! LOL
I like the softer, gentler Joe...without his combat boots. :)
I think books featured heavily in people's posts because that's what's commonly found on bookshelves, but I don't really think that was Swampy's intent. I think she was looking for things like those decanters (which I think are cool).
Oh yeah, Welcome to Fun Monday.
I love this guys you drink of them yummy
First of all, thanks for participating in Fun Monday. You did a wonderful job and we think you should join in next week, too.
I love that lamp...the one next to the 'dead' pig. Oh, Min at Mama Drama needs to see your pig. That is a pig isn't it? And yes, DubYaT (Willowtree) is correct once again. I was looking for any kind of shelves.
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