No, we don't have lions, but for some reason that song riff keeps running through my mind. I haven't seen the raccoons all day. Once I knew where they were, they were kind of hard to miss.
But now?
I wonder if MamaCoon noticed how much we were watching and got nervous for her babies? I wouldn't blame her. If someone was doing that to my baby, I'd be nervous too.
Last night, it was so hot that transformers were blowing all over the place. We lost power for quite a while, so Z-boy and I jumped in the pool to stay cool. Every now and then, I'd glance up to where Mama and the kids were hanging out, but I lost track of them as it got darker and darker.
Then the chittering started. From a tree just past our property line. MamaCoon had come over to give us what-for. I told Z we needed to get out of the pool and go in so Mama could forage, so we did.
And today we haven't seen her at all. I hope she's okay. I hope she hasn't been hit by a car - the babies would starve. But I haven't seen them either, so hopefully she just got tired of us watching and moved her family to another tree.
I'll miss them.
Raccoons like to do that. Ours will disappear for several days and then suddenly we'll see them again. I think mama will be back.
I'm sure they are okay, just moving around looking for shadier sleeping spots and better food.
I hope so!!!! I don't know how big that hole is - maybe they just outgrew it. Anyway, I hope to see them again...
I grew up in southern california and my bedroom window looked out over the living room roof (and the ocean) and the raccoons used to climb up on the roof and look in my window (as in, paws up around their eyes, faces pressed to the glass). It was quite something. We also had fish ponds in our back yard filled with just water and on warm summer nights, in the middle of the night, my dad would wake us up to look out the windows from upstairs down into the back yard and they would swim...wall to wall raccoons.
They probably just went to visit their inlaws for a few days. School is out now, you know.
I swear I could watch some animals all day long. They truly fascinate me. Now only if I knew what they thought about us...
Gawd! You had to jump into the pool to keep cold? How hot is it there?! I'm still wearing my coat here, it's only 13C...which translates to ? in Farenheit? No idea. But it sucks. It's a cold spell that's all. It was hot last week. But this week brrrr.
I say watch out for Z and any housepets with a mamacoon around. They are cute alright, but mean as all get out. Two raccoons beat up my little dog a few years back. Several (several, several) hundred dollars later and my little pup lived to tell the tale, but it was pretty dicey. He's 8 lbs and they were both over 20 each, yikes did they do a number on him.
Watch from a safe distance! :)
We are keeping a very respectful distance from Mama and family. They are probably half a football field away (which is why it's so hard to get a good picture). The cats have tussled with foxes and coyotes and aren't interested in bothering the raccoons. My son? He'd love to get closer, but since he does EVERYTHING at full volume, I know it will never happen.
Mermaid - it was over 100 degrees and humid when we jumped in the pool. That's pretty normal for around here this time of year.
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