Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fun Monday - Brought to you by the number 5

Nekked Lizard Man and Nekked Lizard Lady are hosting Fun Monday for the first time ever! It's always interesting to see what a new host will come up with. NLM and NLL decided to keep it "simple". We'll see...

FIVE PICTURES - FIVE WORDS PER PICTURE. Any 5 (FIVE) pictures, any subject, and any 5 (FIVE) words to describe and/or explain each picture.

Uh-huh. Let's have a go, shall we?

Saturday morning memories of Dad.

Me and Liane
Liane and me - still friends!

Me on top of Moulvre
Eighteen - the world awaits me.

Billy Idol phase?
This guy is a cop.

Baby ZBoy
Treasure found while cleaning closet.


Sandy said...

Your entire post is bracketed by treasures.

Great job.

Molly said...

That is a treasure. I love your picture with the world awaiting. The caption really does fit.

Celeste said...

I love the old pictures.

What a find in the closet cleaning - some day, I will get to it. Really.

SwampAngel65 said...

Are you serious? That guy's a cop? Scary....

Fun pics! Who's the cute baby?

Sayre said...

Yes, the Billy Idol look-alike is my brother Andy, who is now a police officer.

The cute baby is ZBoy at age 4 months. He turns nine at the end of the month!

Megnificent said...

I loved all of your pictures. Especially the Michelin baby!

Faye said...

Where were you in the eighteen year old photos? Scotland? Lovely. I assume the cop works undercover or really gets out of character when off duty!

Beckie said...

I love, love, love that you used old pictures! I took all of mine today. Great post!

IamwhoIam said...

That is one of the scarest cops I've even seen. Thanks for sharing a little piece of you past

Anonymous said...

thanks for signing up with us - this particular idea was NLL's - mine was a little more entailed - as I believe it would have involved a scavenger hunt, a clay model made our of play - doh (which is not clay) and whether your toilet paper unrolls from the bottom or top. I doubt NLL will ever give me an opportunity to host. Oh well. Happy Monday! NLM

Alison said...

what a wonderful post, truly a treasure. I love how you did this assignment.

Patience-please said...

Yup, I hate to be redundant, but this whole post felt special.

Thank you!


Hootin Anni said...

They're all great, but boy do I like the last one! That's awesome.

MINE'S POSTED --- and the last one #5 is a five word challenge for YOU!!! A fun challenge!!!! Hope you can stop by and try it today sometime.

Anonymous said...

In my defense, when that photgraph was taken, I was on the cutting edge of fashion.

At the time, I LOOKED GOOD!


Anonymous said...

Those Zboy pictures are beyond adorable. Those cheeks are killing me.

Jill said...

gotta love chubby cheeked babies

Anonymous said...

Your Fun Monday is a Treasure Trove of Memories. Poignant !

Jan said...

Great post. All of your choices are great. Love the baby. About the cop, I'm married to a retired cop, LAPD, I think he was undercover. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun! I enjoyed your fives! hmm about the cop?

Robinella said...

I love the old days. Less complicated then.

Kaytabug said...

What fantastic photos! I heart old photos. Talk about the treasure you found in your closet!!! Treasure indeed!!! That makes me want another baby. So glad we can't!!

Pamela said...

memories of dad - what was he doing?
you girls were (are) beautiful.
Not a fashion cop, ???
pinch those cheekies.

hey where's number 5?

Unknown said...

I love looking at old photos. All the history there!

ChrisB said...

You have shared some lovely treasured photos. I especially like the last one which shows so many cute facial expressions!

kitten said...

What a wonderfull post of treasures! Just Beautiful!

Jientje said...

Those are great memories! Love your old pictures, espacially the trasure in the bedroom closet! I cleaned mine too, but I did not find any treasures! Thx for visiting my blog too! see you!

Joy T. said...

LOVE all the old pictures you used. The "world awaits me" is so great and so fitting of a young person like that.

Tiggerlane said...

Fantastic post! You have a real bunch of memories in each one - what a great job!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Gorgeous pictures. I love the one of your dad, and of you when you were younger. Beautifully done.

Heather said...

Old photos are so fun to look at! I loved these. And your cop one made me smile!

Irish Coffeehouse said...

WOW! What great pictures you have!

Thanks for sharing!

Ingrid said...

The baby pictures are so cute !!
Holland has always been full of bikes, it's not an especially green country, and the nun is wearing a cap.

Liane Michel said...

When and where were we when this was taken??? I have no recollection of that pic at all.

the planet of janet said...

what a fantastic trip down memory lane for you!

i love your photos.

(and the cop? seriously?? ok, whatever!)

Rose said...

What a good post. like all the pictures special the one you found while cleaning the closet.

BS said...

Wonderful photos - the cop, must be his way of letting loose !

Melanie said...

Your pictures are amazing.

What's the deal with the cop though? ha!

Our Happy Happenings

karisma said...

Lovely pictures and words. The last ones are just precious! I just love those little rolls of fat!

PearLady said...

Aww...what a lovely trip this has been down your memory lane, dear Sayre. Thanks for taking us all along. :)

daddy d said...

Love the baby's pictures.

daddy d said...

P.S. The sailor is the brother of the hair guy.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

He's a cop!? Blimey.....

storyteller said...

How fun to learn a bit about you from your lovely photos with captions today! I posted my Fun Monday Five yesterday at Small Reflections, but didn’t have time to visit until now … so I’m catching up today. I hope you’ll find time to visit. Hugs and blessings,

Dunns in Alaska said...
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my4kids said...

I loved how you used past photos for this post and isn't it fun to find things like that?

Alice in Wonderbread said...

I think Andy looks hot! You have to keep the fashion of the time as a monitor. He has the mid 80s look DOWN PAT.

Alice, whose bangs in 1989 exceeded the height of her graduation cap.