Monday, August 11, 2008


I ran away from home yesterday. It was Sunday... my granddaughter was coming over, my son would be there and DM would babysit. He said GO, so I went.

I'm tired. I need some time alone - totally alone. No husband. No kid. No pets. Just me and some quiet. That doesn't ever happen, so I took the next best thing. An afternoon.

As I turned on to the highway, the thought flitted through my mind - keep going... you have a full tank of gas. See how far north you can get. Get away from the heat and the complications of life. Don't go home. Just drive.

I did exactly that for about two blocks and pulled into the dollar theatre parking lot. I am nothing if not responsible. Much as I'd like to REALLY run away, mindless escape would have to do. I bought my ticket for this:

I remembered seeing it as a movie trailer during one of our girls' movie dates and thinking that it looked like fun, in spite of having Ashton Kutcher as one of the stars. I didn't go when it was in the "big" theatre, but I'd pay a buck to see it on a hot summer afternoon.

I got naughty iced coffee and some nachos (I had skipped lunch) and settled down in the back row of the little theatre.

It was awful. I didn't laugh once. It was turning out to be exactly the wasteland I expect from an Ashton K film - but then he and Cameron Diaz wound up in court, in front of Dennis Miller as the judge and things got interesting. And silly. And a little thoughtful. By the end, I was cheering for them to make it as a couple. Amazing. It would have been a terrific movie but for the first 20-30 minutes, which were blindingly stupid.

Feeling halfway satisfied, I left the cool dark of the theatre and headed to the mall next door and the bookstore - one of my favorite places on the planet. The phone rang and my brother Matt was on the other end (returning a phone call I'd placed several hours earlier). As it happened, he was at the gym at the other end of the mall parking lot, so he joined me for a coffee at the bookstore.

We talked about the job market, his pending move to Atlanta to join the other brothers in a place where he might actually find a job, his love life. I talked some too, about my own life and the things I think about recently. We debated going to see another movie, but the clock had moved to that weird hour where nothing is starting. Everything was at least an hour away, so we opted to do dinner instead.

We drove to a nearby restaurant for a steak sandwich (Matt) and quiche and salad (me) and more talk. It's been a while since I spent much time with Matt. He's a neat guy. He's growing his hair for Locks of Love and looks a little like Jack Nickelson at the moment with his crazy eyebrows and longish hair. For the last couple of years, Matt's hair has been about the width of my finger long. In fact, I didn't recognize him when he first walked into the bookstore! I wish I'd had a camera on me so you could appreciate this new look!

As we walked out of the restaurant, the sun was beginning its descent and I figured it was about time to head for home. DM was probably slightly crazed by children by now and he had to get up for work the next day. The granddaughter would be picked up or close to it and the rest of the evening could be spent in a semi-relaxing manner.

Which is the way it was.

One day, I might run away for real. But not yet. Not today.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great afternoon on your own.

Let me know when you run away. I will come and join you.

SwampAngel65 said...

Next time, just start heading south and give me a call!

It is so rare that I have any time at all by myself. When it happens, it's like, "Ok, what do I want to do first???" I usually end up reading and taking a nap, which is fine. But yeah, I have had those "need to escape" moments. I usually end up in the Everglades when that happens.

Anonymous said...

This is a "form comment" to my blog buddies.

Poor old Bloggin' Babzy was all worn out so I had to kill her off and bury her in the "Garden of the Past" along with a few other characters, thought patterns, bad habits, and old shoes. In time I will be starting a brand new blog with a completely different focus and will send you the link.

Until then enjoy the rest of the summer my friend. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Ony Ashton movie I ever really liked was "Cheaper by the Dozen" and that's because they soaked his pants in meat ...ha..ha.ha..

You give me some hope for this movie, actually. As a $1 flick, like you say, but still. Before now, I had completely written it off!

Glad you had a wonderful "Me" day and got a little recharged. It's always a good thing.


storyteller said...

We all need time to ourselves now and again … and it sounds like this day turned out to be something pretty wonderful. I’m glad the film had some ‘redeeming qualities’ and that you had the opportunity to spend quality time with your brother to ‘catch up’ with one another as you relaxed.
Hugs and blessings,

Mariposa said...

Spending time with ourselves is something we should do as often as possible!

I'm with Nikki...let me know when you run away for real...I'd love to come along with you!!!

That girl said...

I think every one of us deserves some 'me' time...we come home refreshed...even if we DO feel like running sometimes.

karisma said...

WHAT? There was a bookstore next door and YOU chose the movies? Puleese! Next time take a rug, go to the bookstore, spend money on books and go find a quite place to lay in the sun girl!

And if you do run away for real, make sure you tell us where you are! We don't we to be worried and all.

Hugs xxx glad somebody has had some me time this week

Kim Ayres said...

It's why it feels so awful when your car breaks down. Knowing you can't just get in and drive forever, even if you never would, feels like your legs have been broken.

Jodi said...

Ooooh..the next time you feel the urge to drive north, keep going all the way to Indiana!


Unknown said...

I have had a few of those moments myself, wanting to run away, as far as the gas would get me. Sounds like the movie at least turned out ok. :) And time with your brother had to be fun. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, one day when my kids were little, my mom loaded the kids in her car to take them to the zoo. First they wondered where she was going and she said she was running away, did they want to come. Of course they wanted to go but on the way there my middle boy, in a sad voice, said, "I'll never see my mudder again."

They did come home. :)

Anonymous said...

sounds lovely! In the winter I am liable to just drive and figure out where I am going, especially when the kids leave and I dont have as much work to do in the winter when they are gone. Often, I go to two movies in one day, junk food and all.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I love that your brother hung out with you and that happened spontaneously