Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Not really a dog person, but...

If you've been hanging around here for any length of time, you probably know that I am a CAT person. I love their personalities. I love their independence. I love how they choose to love you but don't have to in order to be fed by you.

But this dog... This goofy, 10-month old Golden Aussie who likes to snack on shoes...


Who lies down in this rather bizarre frog-stretch, favored over every other lying down position...


Who, according to my mother, looks remarkably like Dick Gebhardt (remember that guy?)...


THIS dog and I just click. When we walk, he's not trying to drag me somewhere. When I'm watching TV, he lies down at my feet and lets me comb him and brush him (Kida is a bit too tightly wound for that). It's a good thing - he's a very furry dog. This dog is just my speed.

Dear Lord.... I may become a dog person.


SwampAngel65 said...

I've had cats since I was in 7th grade. Never a dog until my oldest son was 6 and we decided to get a Lab, Indiana (Indy). We love her to pieces, but when she passes on, I do NOT see myself getting another dog. I love all animals, but cats are alot easier to care for. I know it's not just about that, but it's part of it.

Sandcastle Momma said...

He's a beautiful dog but I'm more of a cat person too. We have a Beagle and a Rat Terrier and they are a little too needy for me LOL
And don't ever get a Beagle! He's making it really hard for me to convert to dog lover status LOL

Anonymous said...

I read your post just after I visited the local animal control shelter and kind of fell for an Aussie mix...I'm giving it overnight to settle, but just may be going back tomorrow to bring home a new friend...

I love cats, and have shared my homes with many cats over the years, but to me a house is not a home without a dog

I'll be following to see how this relationship develops

Anonymous said...

Blasphemy!!! Take it back! take it back! Cats rule, dogs drool! :D

kitty (meow)

Unknown said...

Ahh, so sweet. :) My dogs lay like frogs too. :) Glad you got a keeper to convert you. :)

Trixie Twatwaffle said...

I am both a dog and a cat person. And a panda person. And a big cat person. And a walrus and sea lion and killer whale person....

So, I guess I'm not a snake or bug person and that's about it.

Or maybe not a rhino person. Not so much on the rhinos.

storyteller said...

Aw … this dog looks like my kind of dog for sure … love the golden color and hazel eyes. There’s nothing like snuggling with a warm, soft, furry critter like this … is there?
Hugs and blessings,

karisma said...

He is very beautiful! Our dogs lie like that too! It must be an "aussie" thing! LOL! Glad he lets you brush him, Bella won't let us brush her! I have not tried to brush the puppy yet but she did not like the bath too much! I have always been a dog person but funnily enough one of the neighbours cats has tried to adopt me! It sits on our door step everyday and yowls at me till I come out and play for a while. Then the other day he stuck his poor through a small hole in the screen and swiped at the poor puppy! I think he's annoyed that he cannot come in! (We did let him in for a little while one day and he tried to eat Rupert! Thankfully he was safely in his cage! LOL)