Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fun Monday for October 27th

Turn Back Fun Monday

Hey! I'm hosting Fun Monday for October 27th, and in keeping with the fact that it's Halloween Week, we will have a Halloween-themed Fun Monday!

Your assignment:
Tell us about your favorite Halloween as a kid (pictures, if you have them!), and show us your costume for this year. If you're not dressing up, show us a picture of a pumpkin carving that really tickled your fancy or how you decorated your house.

UPDATE: It has been brought to my attention (duh) that not everyone celebrates Halloween. Sometimes I forget the international flavor of Fun Monday! So for those of you who do NOT celebrate Halloween, please show us or tell us about any holiday you celebrate that requires dressing up. It doesn't have to be a costume per se, but wearing something that is out of the ordinary for you.

That's it! Leave your name and URL in the comments section and I'll add you to the list of participants!

Janet (Planet of Janet)
HulaGirl (Growing Older, but Not Up)
Jan (The Prytz Family)
Sandcastle Momma
SwampAngel (Florida Journal)
Swampy (Anecdotes and Anodes)
Gattina (Writer's Cramps)
Faye (Summit Musings)
Molly (Return of the White Robin)
Lala (LalaLand)
{i}post (Nine Acres Twenty Miles North of Nowhere)
Tiggerlane (The Neophyte Blogger)
Melanie (Our Happy Happenings)
Jo Beaufoix
Grace (MamaRehema)
Hootin' Anni
Who's Next?


the planet of janet said...

whoohoo! something i can do!

i'm in for this one!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Okey, dokey, I'm in.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm in...

Jan said...

I'll do it.

Jan said...

Sorry,URL is:

Anonymous said...

How appropriate. One of my favoritest blogbuds hosting a Halloween-themed-Mon-Funday !

How could someone named SWAMPWITCH not participate?

Sandcastle Momma said...

I want to play! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.

Sandcastle Momma

SwampAngel65 said...

I've been away for a few weeks so it's time to get back into Fun Monday! Sounds like fun...count me in!

karisma said...

Oh NO fair! We do not have Halloween! I could however come up with something! haha! Can I play anyway??? I have arranged a Halloween picnic for our homeschool group but its on Wednesday so a bit late. I do have a story though! ha ha!

Ingrid said...

I never have celebrated Halloween when I was a child because it just didn't exist and only learned to know it since I am blogging, lol ! But that doesn't matter, meanwhile I decorated my house too so I will participate of course !

Patience said...

Halloween is probably my all time favorite holiday! You don't have to buy presents, only candy. You can dress up in a costume, or not. It's just a fun time, no pressure, no stress.

And I'm not worshipping Satan either!

Faye said...

I'll do it Sayre if you'll let me do one more travel story--promise there were costumes and celebrations so I guess it's almost following the rules? Thanks.

Molly said...

This is a perfect opportunity for me to come back from the dead...dead blog that is. Please count me in for the festivities.

Unknown said...

Hi Sayre,
How many bloggers vill participate in this veek's Fun Monday? Vell, at least VUN more, "Count" me in! Moo Hoo Ha Ha!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

You asked for it! Count me in ;0)

Tiggerlane said...

I am totally in!

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Sounds fabulous!!

Jo Beaufoix said...

We are getting better at Halloween here so count me in please Sayre. :D

Anonymous said...

this time I will participate

Hootin Anni said...

I'm in....count me in please.
I'm late submitting for the FM list, but I love Halloween. [did you guess that already? LOL]

See you tomorrow!!!

Jan n Jer said...

Hey Sayre, I am a newcomer, I would love to do fun monday. Janis (lifeaccordingtojanandjer)