Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun Monday - Spooktacular!

Turn Back Fun Monday

Thanks for coming by for Fun Monday! I'm hosting this week and set forth this challenge:
Tell us about your favorite Halloween as a kid (pictures, if you have them!), and show us your costume for this year. If you're not dressing up, show us a picture of a pumpkin carving that really tickled your fancy or how you decorated your house.

And the participants! Go visit them for some real Halloween fun! By the way, looking for a host for next week's Fun Monday! Volunteer in the comments, please.

Janet (Planet of Janet)
HulaGirl (Growing Older, but Not Up)
Jan (The Prytz Family)
Sandcastle Momma
SwampAngel (Florida Journal)
Swampy (Anecdotes and Anodes)
Gattina (Writer's Cramps)
Faye (Summit Musings)
Molly (Return of the White Robin)
Lala (LalaLand)
{i}post (Nine Acres Twenty Miles North of Nowhere)
Tiggerlane (The Neophyte Blogger)
Melanie (Our Happy Happenings)
Jo Beaufoix
Grace (MamaRehema)
Hootin' Anni
Min or Min (not sure which blog it will be)
Janis (a newcomer to Fun Monday!)

I have always loved Halloween. As a child, it was always cause for great excitement. It wasn't the candy so much as the costumes. My mom was a great costume maker. I've been Snow White (with real velveteen blouse), a gypsy, a witch... I can't even remember everything I've been. One year, she made Andy this amazing caterpillar costume. He looked just like one with his quilted front and back and all the legs going down the sides. It's funny, that as much fun as we had doing this stuff, there aren't many pictures. Seems we were having more fun doing than posing. I'm sure there are pictures around somewhere, mostly in slide format since that's what a lot of the pictures from my childhood wound up on.

But a love of dressing up is ingrained. Acting runs in my family - officially and unofficially. There were always stage costumes to get made for the brothers. Even after all the brothers were gone, my mom volunteered at the Young Actors' Theater for a while, churning out the most amazing costumes.

So we're stuck with my own pictures, which are relatively recent.

Ho Ho Ho 009

I love to dress up as Santa.

4 Treaters

Wizard, Ninja, CareBear and Darth Vader


Wizard close up (that's me in there!)

IMG_1124 IMG_1108

Jerry and Matt - normal everyday stuff.

IMG_3027 IMG_3026

Clone Trooper and Corpse Bride

IMG_3070 IMG_3068

Trick or treating with the Corpse Bride, my stepson (who usually looks like that) & dementors

Ab-orginal Corky IMG_1616

Ab-original Man, Klingon Girl and the Strolling Minstrel Bounty Hunter

IMG_1455 IMG_1304 IMG_1297

4th of July costume, Halloween martial arts, Getting gas as a queen

That's just a few of our more recent costume adventures. This year? I'm torn. Between being a "Blue Man", Sweeney Todd, or something totally off the wall. I thought I'd have it nailed down by now, but we've been really, really busy and I haven't even had time to think about it! Stay tuned for the Halloween post - SURELY I'll have made up my mind by then!


karisma said...

LOL! Oh I just love the ones of you! I am a bit late with mine! sorry! I am currently trying to find my house under all the mess and running back and forth in between to read a little! I don't seem to be getting far! LOL! I will try and post tonight! We also love dressing up even though we don't celebrate Halloween. Most of my pics however are missing in action. I might have to take shots of some of the old ones from the photo albums.

Have a great day! Happy Fun Monday!

Jan said...

What a fun post. I never would have guessed that was you. Great!

Heather said...

I know I'm late, but can I still sign up?

Heather said...

We had a care bear a few years ago, but she has moved onto Scooby Doo! Thansk for the assignment, this was a fun one!

the planet of janet said...

fun! is that really you as santa?? lololol

Anonymous said...

Oh! Be Sweeney Todd!! Be Sweeney Todd!! That would be too cool.
Did I sign-up for this FunMonday? I meant to...not that I did it correctly or anything, but I did do it.

Ingrid said...

I always loved to dress up too and still do ! but we don't do it for Halloween, we do it in February for Carnival !

Anonymous said...

I love your costumes, thanks for hosting.

Molly said...

Sayre, thanks for hosting Fun Monday with this especially fun topic. I enjoy the costume creating even if my efforts are amateurish. Your costume are fabulous. Happy Halloween

Hootin Anni said...

Me too!! Me too!!! I love the costumes, and the decorating. Halloween Rocks!

My costume this year, in all my glory, is posted for Fun Monday....

::::witch's cackle::::

Unknown said...

Oh Sayre, isn't it fun when the whole family participates?!? That is so cool you've got group shots. And so cute! Great job on the costumes and thanks for hosting Fun Monday.

Sandcastle Momma said...

That wizard costume is incredible! I would never have guessed that was you in there. I love the other costumes too - it sounds like ya'll really have fun dressing up! I can't wait to see what you come up with this year!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

What great costumes!! I think I like the corpse bride the best, but it gets a run for its money by several others in those pics. Thanks for the fun topic!

Anonymous said...

Mine's not exactly the assignment, but pretty close...some of you really do go all out...i guess at this point i'm more in it for the chocolate :D

Anonymous said...

I love the Santa costume! And of coures, pumping gas while dressed up is funny too!!

Thanks for hosting this week- what a fun theme!!

SwampAngel65 said...

Sweeney Todd...yeah...but Blue Man would be cool, too... Fun pictures. looks like you guys have alot of fun!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Sweeney Todd would be amazing. Sorry my post is up late. I had a late night and then an early start to today and I just got home. I love all your costumes. Halloween is getting more popular here but as kids we never really celebrated it so it's all new. looking forward to seeing everyones posts. :D

IamwhoIam said...

I’m glad you explain what was going on there for I second I was having flash back for the famed holiday tradition “hurling for Jesus (Spanish pronunciation) . This is where you dress as your favorite holiday icon (Santa, candy cane, frosty, etc) and run around a local park downing a shot every ¼ mile till you know. It us a fund raiser with a twist or is it just a twisted fund raiser?

Jan n Jer said...

I like your family picture, its great that you all participate in this fun time of year. Good idea for fun monday. I had fun.

Faye said...

The Queen pumping gas--I'll bet that turned a few heads even on Halloween when we expect to see the unusual. Your young--and not so young--goblins are lucky to have such an imaginative costumer.

Sorry I didn't get my FM post up until late last night--out of town all day. check out if you have a minute--costumes, masks, and lover's balconies in Italy!

PinkPiddyPaws said...

Admit it.. you are a closet cross dresser! ;) You realize that whole "santa" thing is creepy, right? Right? Or is that just me? ha..ha..ha..