Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fun Monday Assignment for April 20th


Fun Monday - office

Not long ago, a very small tornado hit right next to my office building. It didn't damage the building, but apparently disrupted our power, killing my office computer in the process. For four days at work, there was little I could do but wander around and work in other offices until my own computer got fixed.

While I was a nomad, I noticed that other offices had their own unique art. Sometimes it had something to do with work, sometimes it was inspirational - sometimes, the owner just liked it.

So, my assignment for you this week:

Take your camera to work and take pictures of the things that inspire you as you work or that inspires your coworkers. Ask them (or yourself) what it is about that particular object or picture that makes the work day seem a little easier.

If you don't work outside the home, take a picture of the thing that helps you get through the day and inspires you to have the best day you can.

Sign up in the comments and I'll add you to the list!

Jill (Lil' Mouse) / Janis (Jan & Jer) / Molly (Return of the White Robin) / Patience / Faye / Mariposa / Margaret the Misanthrope / Amanda (first time player) / Grace / Island Rider / BobbieLeigh / Sandcastle Momma / Hulagirl / Karina / Church Lady / Gattina / Joan Gee / Tracey / Hootin' Anni /


jill said...

ha! I'm first. I work at home (ha ha, and my coworker is 5 months old so I'll have to see what inspires her!) thanks for hosting JMS

Janis said...

sign me up. I am retired but I think I can find something that inspires me.

Molly said...

Sign me up, I know of at least one work of art at work.

PinkPiddyPaws said...

I would LOVE to do this one.. but sadly, my office isn't my own yet (YET!!) so my artwork is in a box.

But let's not forget my fuzzy pink flamingoes from my previous place of employ! ha.ha.ha..

Patience said...

Hey! I like this one!! I'm in!

Faye said...

I'll play, Sayre. Surely there's something in the retirement digs that inspire.

Mariposa said...

I'm playing...

margaret (the misanthrope) said...

I'm in. Now I just have to find some inspiration (ha).

Also - I hope you are OK! I heard that there were 2 tornadoes in the Tampa area yesterday. I'm not sure where you are exactly (I don't think it's Tampa) but I was worried. You're still updating FM signups, so I'll take that as a good sign ;-)

Amanda said...

This is my first time here but can I play ? I am a SAHM of 4 boys so I do not get paid but I definitely do work! ;)

grace said...

Of course Amanda, you can play! Sign me up Sayre, hope I can get a good pic by Monday.

Island Rider said...

I'd like to play. I know just what I will post.

Unknown said...

Even though I hate my job with a passion, I am up for the challenge!

R.Powers said...

I'm off this week!

BS said...

I'm bummed out - not allowed to take a camera into my work ! But I will be sure to read everyone else.

Sandcastle Momma said...

Sign me up - I think I can find a little inspiration around here somewhere LOL

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I'm game. Sign me up, please.

nikki said...

Good topic. I would sign up...but I uh, stopped blogging and I'm not back at work.......details, details....

movin down the road said...

I'll have to take a pic of my laptop for you then...ha ha

Unknown said...

Psssttt..sign me up!

Karina said...

OH, I am SOOO in! What a great idea for a topic! Count me in for sure!

Living Life said...

Ooooo goody! I want to play! Please sign me up!

Ingrid said...

I belong to the lazy retired people without work anymore. But I will create some work for me to do , just to participate. So please sign me in or up !

joanygee said...

I took early retirement, but would still like to join in if I may? Ty

grace said...

Sayre, they are Kenyan doughnuts, but they do not have so much sugar. Just a little, and you can make yeast ones or with baking powder. the ones one the blog were very tasty

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I work from home, but am up for the challenge!

Hootin Anni said...

I'm in!! Please add me to the list of 'plyaers'. My furbabies and all kinds of other goodies are inspirational....just you wait and see. :o)

Ali said...

Add me please!

min said...

Sign me up please.

ChrisB said...

I'm very late but if you read this please add me to the list thanks.

Mariposa said...

Well, I'm so very late (since Chris says she is and I'm later!) but I'm up.

Will really visit everyone...and most likely tom morning already since my schedule has gone crazy!