It's Monday again (how did two weeks go by so fast?) and time for another episode of FUN MONDAY!
MommyWizdom wants to know: What part of your body (or house if you won't do body parts) do you take care of the best? And if you're willing to answer the second question, why do you think that is?
MommyWizdom wants to know: What part of your body (or house if you won't do body parts) do you take care of the best? And if you're willing to answer the second question, why do you think that is?
Do you constantly get pedicures? Are you meticulous about your hair appointments? Do you shave daily? Do you sweep your sun room every day, no matter what? Are you always cleaning the kitchen? Is it because your grandmother used to say your feet would dry up if you didn't take care of them? Do you clean the kitchen for fear of bugs? Please, share!!
Be forewarned - I will be departing from the rules a bit and this topic has gotten me thinking and off on a tangent!
Middle age has a way of showing you what your priorities are - or what they should be. At least it has for me.
It doesn't care if I drive a fancy car or wash my car every week. It does care if I keep my car in good condition - oil changed, tire pressure correct, gassed up, tuned up.
It doesn't care if I wear the latest fashions with the snazzy accessories. It cares if it's dressed appropriately for the situation, is kept warm when it's cold, cool when it's hot. It doesn't like high heels, but rather favors flats or comfy sneakers.
Middle age is about taking care of your body. Feeding it in a nutritious way with just enough treats to make it feel young again. It's about exercising it - not so you'll fit in that bikini you should have given up 20 years ago, but so that the heart is strong, the lungs capable, the bones solid and the muscles flexible. It's not smoking or drinking to excess or indulging in substances better left to the medical profession's discretion.
It doesn't care if you hang out with the right crowd, the hip crowd, the movers and shakers. It does care that you have love in your life, that you love the friends you make, cherish the family you have and respect the people you work with. It cares that you laugh more than you cry, love more than you hate, think more than follow impulse.
Middle age doesn't care if you are not rich, that you don't have a huge house or new furniture every couple of years and stainless steel appliances in your kitchen. If the oven works, the fridge keeps you from getting food poisoning and the toilets flush, your house is just fine.
What is it that I take care of? It's not one part of me or my house - it's my life. At this age, my whole body requires maintenance and I'm working on giving it the best I can. Not only for myself and my own comfort, but so that I can stay around for a long time to take care of the other most important thing in my life:
Amen! Very well said. I'm not doing FM this week, but glad I stopped in and checked yours out.
The things I used to worry about and what were important to me in my younger days are almost laughable now. I have dust bunnies and spider webs. I don't make my bed everyday. I let the dishes sit in the sink until I feel like doing them (usually before I go to bed). What's important is spending time with my family. Driving out to the Everglades for the day or just hanging out watching movies together. Time spent cleaning and worrying about cleaning is wasted. You'll never get that time back and it sure won't be stuck in your head as a pleasant memory! I'm not saying I'm a pig. I clean, cook, do laundry and even wash windows...but those things are not a priority in my life anymore!
Wow. I totally "get" you, chick. Great post.
BTW, I think Z-boy is adorable, both in this post and the one about him and baseball.
That's a great post and I completely understand what you're saying. I think when my kids are a little bit older and I have more time to myself, I'll be able to take this next step...
Have a great week and thanks for participating!
Wow! Love this post...made me love you more!!! And that is why I love my Mom so much... ;)
Super great take on this week's theme...
Love it! And I totally agree, I however have been letting things slide a bit all round. My bad!
My house used to be so important to me but I really don't worry now. I hear clearly what you are saying about taking care of your life and think it's something we should all do.
Wow...just wow. Beautiful post, my friend. Thank you. I 100% agree with you. I'm nearly 34 and am beginning to discover these same truths! Happy FM to you!
Very well-stated. A gold star post!
This is so beautifully written. It is so true, and sometimes I forget. Thank you for the reminder, it made my day a little more solid.
Well said!!
Nah, I think it's all about pedicures.
You make me wanna be a strong black woman and just stand and raise my fists and shout, "Preach it, Sistah!!!", 'cause you just validated the mission of our whole generation of women who had children *ahem* later in life and have totally shifted our priorities as a result.
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