Sunday, June 07, 2009

Fun Monday Assignment for June 8th


Hello, fellow travellers... I'm hosting Fun Monday for Monday, June 8th. I was really casting around for a topic, and my friend Jennifer helped me out with several.

Your assignment for this week is this:

Using your imagination, project into the future and tell me what you will be like as an 80-year old. Will you be someone who doesn't accept the aging process, spending all your time in the
gym and the bars, or will you be a rocking chair granny, or something in between?

Sign up in the comments ! Lil' Mouse Jill will be hosting next week!

HulaGirl / Lil' Mouse Jill (host for next week's FM) / Patience / Gattina / ChrisB / Margaret the Misanthrope / Mama Drama Stephanie / Janis / Grace / Mariposa / Sandy / Beckie / Rayne /


Hula Girl at Heart said...

I'm game. Sign me up, please.

Anonymous said...

Your picture...
Isn't that the one of the sign with the admonition "No public fisting"?

Kinky, Sis. Kinky.


Sayre said...

Um... I don't think so! It's an Old People Crossing sign. Just 'cause you can't see her cane...

jill said...

you have a funny bro. he he. um, yeah so sign me up. and I'll host on the 15th! I had a lot of fun last time coming up with a topic...

Patience said...

I'm in!!

Hey, I'm practically there already!!

Ingrid said...

I am approaching this age in big steps ! so of course I will participate, one thing is sure I will be a rocking granny but not in a chair !

ChrisB said...

I'll join in. This is a bit close for comfort and I've actually been wondering about it myself lately.

margaret said...

Fabulous topic! I am totally in.

Stephanie, Mama Dramatist said...

Well, allrighty!!

I'll throw in my hat... er ... cane!!

Janis said...

Count me in, it will be fun to read all the other blogs.

grace said...

sign me up Sayre

Mariposa said...

Ha ha ha, LOVE it!

Count me in... ;)

Sandy said...

Sign me up, please. See you Monday.

Beckie said...

Hiya! Sign me up - I haven't played in ages.

Rayne said...

Sign me up! Thank you.