Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Hallows Eve

I have to admit that Halloween just didn't excite me this year. After years of dressing up (wizard/Queen Amidala/Sweeney Todd) at work, I didn't dress up at all this year. One co-worker swore that the world had come to an end. My lack of enthusiasm was apparent all week, but late this afternoon, Howard Stern stopped by and played me a little tune...

Not long after that, a beautiful geisha girl turned up and fanned her fan for me, and...

Before I knew it, a boy wizard with a wicked sense of humor stopped by and entranced me chicken. He made it DANCE!

Howard saw and said it was all good.

Especially the geisha... who batted her eyes, fanned her fan, then grabbed her pumpkin bag and demanded that Howard escort her around the neighborhood - along with that wizard boy.

Boy Wizard (Fred Weasley) conjured up a giant spider to keep Ron from stealing the candy...

And a skeleton laid around to deter anyone else...

It didn't work very well though, as people came for our candy starting at 6:30 and the last ones stopped by at 9:30... Surprisingly, there was a little candy left.

And the geisha and the wizard were pleased.


R.Powers said...

Bag of candy to give away ...$6.00, LEFTOVER candy ... priceless!

Janis said...

A fun time was had by everyone.

Stephanie, Mama Dramatist said...

Oh, that's so sweet! My Bethany would have totally been ga-ga over Ron Weasley!

But Howard Stern looks a little more like Ozzy Osborn!