Monday, October 05, 2009

Falling for Fun Monday

Monday has rolled around again (does that every week), which must mean that it's FUN MONDAY! This week's host is HoosierGirl, who has poured herself a cup of coffee and is looking for answers to her ponderings:

This morning, the weather turned cool here in Southern Indiana and my thoughts turned to fall. Our "10 on Tuesday" was name something that is your favorite about fall, and hence....this week's topic was born.

Show us or tell us what you love about fall - images, smells, sights, activities.

I absolutely ADORE Fall!

I love that the leaves drift down from the trees. Since I live in the South, this is usually as close to seeing snowfall as I get.

I love the cooler temperatures that allow me to breathe again. Have you ever been somewhere where the air is so heavy that it's hard to inhale? That's this place and summer.

I love that having a hot cup of tea, coffee, or cocoa is comfortable and not setting you up to melt.

I love that jackets and jeans aren't so out of place.

I love that the bug population falls off rather dramatically, and after the first frost, they nearly disappear.

I love that the windows can be opened without fear of bugs or pollen ruining it.

I love that a morning rain feels refreshing rather than dampening.

I love that it's time for more than just a sheet. It's hard to snuggle into bed when you're sweating like a racehorse after a good run.

I love that going out for a walk or a run or a bike ride or any other physical activity feels exhilarating and not like a slog.

Mostly, I love the energetic feeling I get that makes me want to take on projects! Painting the house, recovering furniture, sweeping the walk - my best life improvement projects happen in the fall!

This weekend, we started on my son's bedroom. We are making him a forest to sleep in.

We've got the sky and the hills and a few trees.

The sunset has been painted on the west wall and bigger trees and animals have been penciled in but need finer brushes than what we have now to complete.


Faye said...

What a great room the Boy is going to have,Sayre. And how lucky for you he chose a forest instead of a racetrack or something worse. I'm with you on appreciating the increased energy that comes with fall. Actually working on some projects myself since the main concern doesn't have to be sitting still enough to not drown in my own sweat. I lived in Clearwater for a year and just couldn't get a sense that the seasons changed at all. That's one reason I only made it that one year. Being where you are in the state am sure there's a bit more fall-winter weather to appreciate.

Jan n Jer said...

I feel your pain Sayre..We lived in Orlando Fl. for 6 years. I could never get a real sense of fall like I do here in the North east. With you being on the panhandle, I think you do get cooler temps then Orlando and do have more color. Zboys room is really looking are so artistic girl!!!

Jill said...

Illinois in August, if you're outside, there is no breath, and you have to wait to sweat, but it's worth it. No going outside for just a second, go on out and let yourself get soaked in the 100 degree, 100% humidity, then the air conditioning will really feel good. Sigh. I'm jealous of the painting skills going on there. Not sure we'll ever tackle something like that, but I love what you're doing!

Gattina said...

If I lived in Florida, I probably would appreciate the same things you listed here. Indeed I have been there twice in summer and it's so hot and humid there.
For me the hardest thing is that the days become shorter and shorter, last year I bought a color lamp which is a light therapy and gives you sunshine in a room. That's really nice. In the UK they are not spoiled either with the dark and humid weather in fall ! It's not far from here I can be in London in not even two hours.

nikki said...

I love the wall paintings! You guys rock.

Sayre said...

Thanks, you all. I confess to feeling totally out of my depth when I commit to a project like this - I don't feel like I have any artistic talent whatsoever. Z and I sat at the computer and found pictures of the animals he wanted. I can copy okay (not great, but at least you'll recognize the gray blob as a raccoon) but the actual painting of the animals has me a little freaked. This is not something I am good at. My husband has volunteered to paint with me - my husband the artist - which is fine, I suppose, but I'm sure his painting will just shine the light on how bad mine is. I am reluctant to let him do it, since they should be uniformly good or uniformly bad. Z is artistic like his dad, but unfamiliar with the medium, so we're on more even ground!

wendishness said...

They're great reasons to love fall, and that room, what a clever young man to paint that!

Jodi said...

Terrific post. And I LOVE Z-boy's room!


Living Life said...

I remember the FLA days. I lived in Orlando for 3 years. It was hard to tell the seasons apart. I agree with you about the energetic feeling the cool-crisp mornings of Autumn bring. Somehow I feel so motivated this time of year!

ZBoy's room is looking great!! I love your colors. I'll bet he loves that you are letting him help with the project.

margaret said...

Wow Sayre - what an awesome bedroom! Can you come do mine when you're finished with Z's? Thanks ;-)

I loved your insights about Fall...thank you for reminding me to notice and appreciate the beauties of the season!

Brother Dave said...

Great comments about Autumn. I agree, the weather IS perfect for outdoor projects that are unattractive in the heat of summer.

And what a terrific room for your boy.

Pamela said...

I appreciate the colors... so calming and peaceful.

Knock knock - it's cancer! said...

I love that Zach is getting into it too. That is truly a labor of love.