Sunday, August 08, 2010

Fun Monday - Brand Names

Mariposa is continuing her marathon Fun Monday hosting duties this week with a challenge to share our favorite brand names:

Okay, I admit it. I'm a bit of a whore when it comes to buying stuff. As in, generally, the lowest priced item wins. My paper towels are less than a dollar a roll. My favorite toilet paper is the Wal-Mart Great Value brand. Most things I buy, I don't worry about brand name, but about quality and cost. Some things don't need to be great quality because they're going to be disposed of shortly or have a limited use. I kind of feel that way about my son's clothes. He's growing so fast that buying some name brand from a department store is like throwing money out the window. He might get to wear it once.

But there are some things that are worth the money plunked down for a brand name.

Growing up, we drank Lipton. As an adult, I switched to Twinings. But now, my taste in tea has become quite particular. Once in a while I'll flirt with a roobios or a darjeeling, but my mainstay tea has become this:

Two teabags brews a lovely, strong pot of tea. I don't care for my tea to resemble lightly tanned water - I want FLAVOR - and this little bag delivers big time!

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know I have sensitive skin. I'm not allergic to things as a rule unless we're talking about biting bugs, but certain things make my skin very uncomfortable. Laundry detergents are a huge culprit. When my son was born, I washed everything in Dreft, and my skin has never been so happy - but that stuff is EXPENSIVE. Then I found Purex's free detergent. No fragrance, no colors. It was just as kind as Dreft. I still use Purex, the "natural elements" version these days.

It does a pretty good job of cleaning and doesn't irritate me the way Gain or Tide do.

My final item has been with me for over 12 years. We lived in the woods in Wakulla County with two dogs, a bunch of cats and sand. Lots of sand. When I learned I was pregnant, I realized that I would need to be a little more conscious of keeping our carpets clean so the baby could be on the floor when it was ready to crawl or roll around down there. I bought a cheap little vaccuum about once a year (all that sand just wore them out), but a traveling sales rep came through the neighborhood one day and showed me the wonder that is Kirby.

Oh, my! That machine could SUCK! I was absolutely flabbergasted when he showed me how much it could get up off the floor in one pass - after I'd done about seven with my old vaccuum cleaner. Sold! It was the most expensive vaccuum I'd ever owned, actually going into debt to get it, but it has been worth every penny.

Nearly 13 years later, my Kirby and I have been through a lot. It went with me when I was cleaning houses to make ends meet. It was in a bad car accident with me that sent it flying out the back window and onto the side of the road after we were rear-ended. My dad went out to the crash site and gathered the machine and accessories for me and you know? But for a missing wand, my machine was in one piece and in good shape. I use it to this very day. And I plan to continue using it as long as it lasts. Which may be about 50 years... maybe more.

Do you have a brand that you favor over all others? Visit Mariposa and sign up for Fun Monday and play along!!!


Faye said...

That Kirby sales rep really got around! I used several many years ago when I cleaned houses for school money. I've been curious about those "green" laundry detergents. Would they clean? Must do some trials. Lately I've been using borax in wash--clothes seem cleaner w/o buildup.

Re hosting Fun Monday by month--if that plans suits everyone else, I'd be fine to host October if you'll do September.

Sandy said...

I just know that in some parallel universe we are related. That is my tea, my laundry detergent, and my mother's vacuum.

Great post! and that tea is so worth it that I drive 57 miles to get it!

Jan n Jer said...

Kirby's have been around for many years. I tend to buy what is on sale with household products. I hear you about the NB clothes...with growing kids..they dont really get much wear out of their clothes.

Mariposa said...

Hahaha...I can relate with the Purex, Mom use that sometimes!

I have to try that tea!

Thanks for playing...I was running late but finally up.

Gattina said...

That's a miracle this vacuum cleaner ! suvives even car accidents. We have other brand marks here so I don't know your Purex, it certainly has another name here.