I wanted to say hi on this first day of 2013. I've been to busy to even do that for a while but I'm here now. I figured out how to add photos without moving, so I'll stay where I am for now.
There's lots to talk about but the holidays, being sick, and the thought of going back to work tomorrow has me feeling tired today. I think I'll join my animal babies and sleep tonight and start this all fresh tomorrow.
A bummer to be sick on your time off, Sayre. Good idea to follow the examples of the critters and rest up while you can! Take care of yourself and don't get run down--hard to snap out of that in the winter especially.
A bummer to be sick on your time off, Sayre. Good idea to follow the examples of the critters and rest up while you can! Take care of yourself and don't get run down--hard to snap out of that in the winter especially.
I was sick over the holiday too. Hope you feel better soon!
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