Monday, June 23, 2014

Fun Monday, June 23, 2014 - Your Latest Project

Sometimes it feels like my whole life is a project!  I'm always crocheting, sewing, painting, rearranging... something is always going on.  THIS is the latest one...

When we moved into this house, my son was 8 years old.  He loved our old place in Wakulla, and was fond of the one we'd just left - but he felt a little dubious about the new house and his new room.  One day, he came to me and confessed that he missed his forest room from the Wakulla house.  Could we paint something like that in his room here?  We did.  (Other pictures here.)


Well, he's not a little kid anymore...  One day he rather sheepishly asked if we could paint his room and get rid of the mural.  It looked too much like a kid's room and he didn't want his friends coming over and seeing it.  It made me sad, but it's his room and he's NOT a little kid anymore.

I let him pick the paint - Blue Ribbon from Lowes:

But it looks TARDIS blue to me...
He says quite vehemently that is NOT tardis blue (not a Dr. Who fan).

Anyway, I got him his paint (with primer) and we painted.  It looked awful.  Splotchy and uneven and dark.  The smell was pretty intense, at least to me, and I knew it would be a while before I could bear to open that can of paint again.

Fast forward a few months.  The kid has gone off to camp, so I told him I would paint his room while he was gone.  In preparation, he pretty much cleared his room of clutter and donated a bunch of stuff (so proud of him!).  After he left, I started.  It took a couple of days because I painted walls AND woodwork, but the second coat did the trick - it actually looked good!  I put up new curtains and rearranged his room a bit but it definitely looks like a young adult's room now.  He is VERY happy with it!

That's what I've been up to - what have YOU been doing?


ChrisB said...

It looks really good. Glad he likes it, bet it doesn't stay neat once he has friends over!!!!

Jill said...


SwampAngel65 said...

It looks great, but not as great as the mural. I LOVED that! And yes, he can protest all he wants: TARDIS!!!